Here is my Camellia. I must say that the photo does not do justice to the light in the painting. I will try and take the phot again on a sunnier day but I did not want to delay the post.
When I went to Raleigh, NC for my Art weekend I saw these flowers. They were in the back of a garden next to a glass doorway. I had to climb through the garden and risk falling (not to mention embarrassment) in order to capture the photos. But I knew at that point that I had to do it. And now I think that it was worth it.
Recently I sat through a demo by Susan Check, a magnificent watercolorist, where she painting trees and she used watercolor pencils as well as watercolor crayons right along with her watercolors. I can't say that I've never thought about doing this before but that I never thought I would do it in any way other than a demonstration of things you can do. When painting this Camellia I really felt that the watercolor pencils would help me get the texture in the petals and I think that they did.
I want to mention that I have paintings in the CBW Winter Show at St. Mary's Home for Disabled Children at 317 Chapel St., Norfolk, VA until February 26th. They are having an Open House on Friday, January 14th from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm.