Monday, October 26, 2009

Philadelphia Museum of Art

This past weekend I went to West Chester PA and was able to steal a little time to go to the Philadelphia Museum of Art. It was my first visit there and I really enjoyed myself.

I only had a few hours so I went directly to my favorite area, the Impressionists. I visited with Manet, Cassett, Seurat, Cezanne and Pissarro. I especially enjoyed Monet's landscapes; they are so sensual. I was amazed viewing The Japanese Footbridge and Water Lily Pond. It just took my breath away. Renoir's portraits and the colors he used in the skin tones were wonderful especially Portrait of Mademoiselle Legrand. Van Gogh's Paintings are emotionally charged and I fell in love with his Sunflowers. I have seen pictures of all these paintings but seeing them right in front of me where I could see the strokes of paint was so wonderfully amazing and very humbling. It was a very delightful afternoon.

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