Saturday, May 16, 2009

Trees in the Morning

I want to congratulate my niece Kerri and her new husband Brent on their wedding vows that they took yesterday. Kerri is a very special young woman in our family. She is loved by everyone and we have taken Brent into our love along side of her. We wish her and Brent a wonderful lifelong journey together.

I had decided to give them a painting as a wedding gift and I had the hardest time deciding which to choose. Then when I took out "Trees in the Morning" I knew it was the perfect painting.

The morning sun gives the promise of a new day as their wedding day promises them their life together. I believe it is bright with the
excitement of their youth and peaceful with the serenity of their later years. The colors of the foliage are rich with organic growth as their lives will grow together. It is a gift of love, peace and freedom to go into the world together and create the lives that they will. And they will.....

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