This is my sixth and final painting that I did for the One Foot Square show at the Artist's Gallery.
The yellows are a little brighter in real life. I loved mixing the purple with the yellow for the shadows of the flower. It is another one of my "dirty color" mixes. I also like the hint of cactus in the background.
I have been busy, as usual. I'm teaching four classes a week from Wednesday to Saturday. So I have three free days, so to speak. But there are always meetings and other art related things to do. This is all besides painting. But I do like to have my teaching days and my free days grouped together like this. I have been pretty much painting daily. So that is good. I do need to decide on at least one large painting for the Spring and Summer shows as well as some smaller ones. I have been thinking about doing a large Magnolia painting. That ought to be fun.
On Wednesday I'm bringing in three of my paintings of flowers to be in the Artists Alley Art Show at the Mid Atlantic Home and Flower Show at the Virginia Beach Convention Center. The paintings are in the lobby before you have to pay for the Home and Flower Show. The show will be up until Sunday at 6:00 pm. If your in the neighborhood stop by and see some great floral paintings.
what a gorgeous cactus flower! Long ago I learnt from my first watercolor book ever - Jeanne Dobie's "Making Color Sing" that mixing complementary colors gives a variety of luminous grays and blacks to shows off those colors by itself in the painting like a jewel--- your painting is a testimony to that :)
and good luck with your classes and shows!
lovely Kathy, thank you for your kind comment about Dusty, I hope you do well at the flower show. I hope to come see it. take care,love,Diana
Thank you so much Meera and Diana. You are both so kind. I alway tell my students that complimentary colors next to each other make them look brighter but when they are mixed it dulls them down.
Diana, Believe me I know what you are going through I'm a dog person too. Right now I have three and Max is gettting on in years. I just don't know why they don't live as long as we do!
Kathy, I am passing on a 'stylish blogger award' to you -- please check my blog post dated march 4 :) Hope its not much trouble for you.
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